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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

In Defense of Gaston | YouTube Comment

In Defense of Gaston, by Fodero

By the logic you put down as far as Gaston goes, I have a proposition as into how they could make any remake of Beauty & the Beast better.  

Instead of portraying Belle's neglect in a 100% positive light, have the movie acknowledge Belle's mannerisms and how they are destructive to her own character. Heck, this could be an opportunity to add a brand new character: a friend who cares enough about her to call her out on her own shit because the town won't do so, but is kind enough with the town to be able to mingle with them, especially when said friend has had enough from time to time. If anything, during the part of the movie where they storm the Beast's castle, the friend could tell Belle that she's had enough of her thinking that her life is provincial when she hasn't done a damn thing to make the world less provincial. Heck, the said friend could even be one of her sisters from the original story. 

  Instead of making the Beast an ignorant brat, redesign his character to being a competent ruler, but thinks that no one would love him because of some quirk in his character design that's actually endearing. For example, since his parents aren't around, he's constantly into books on how to be a better ruler, even going as far as taking examples of bad rulers with a grain of salt. Thus, when interacting with him, he comes off as playing by some manual, but Belle encourages him to be himself in addition to what he's already learned, making him relaxed as a result and thus more genuine in his interactions and less "cause the book says so" kinda thing. This would play into the "spineless man" analogy that you were talking about earlier. 

  Finally, do the very thing you suggested: have Belle give Gaston the same chance, or at least imply that such a chance was given, but they didn't work out. However, instead of compromising with her like the Beast could do later, have himself think less of Belle instead of an equal. Give both Gaston and the Beast moxy, but the key differences being compromise and respect: two things that Belle knows that isn't in Gaston, but obvious in the Beast.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Origins of Shimindramon

So as I said in a previous post, Shimindramon will be the fusion result between the partners of Nanako and Kazuko.  I figured it would make sense to delve into the nit and picks of this.

Before I do, however, I want to thank kuha.karma for designing him.

Shimindramon is a pretty boi, and kuha.karma's talent shows through, as it always does. <3

As the design suggests, it is the fusion of Wizardmon and Ginryumon.

Now, where did the name come from?

In actuality, it was RyokosDetermination who suggested the name, but its origins root back to Ginryumon.  You see, Ginryumon's evolution contains the theme of the samurai, which is where "shimin" comes from - the term used to describe Japan's top elites, whom, "were the only caste granted the privilege of wearing two swords and having two names—a family and a first name."*

"-dra" is quote common in the Digimon series when describing Digimon that are dragon in nature.  Given the obvious references to Wizardmon himself (the face, the chest that resembles his staff, etc.) all point to the mystic combination of wizard and samurai dragon.

Well, hope that helps! <3

So pet leaf is a pretty good pixel artist


Monday, November 29, 2021

Don't Be Like Hirrus Clutumnus


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️


Monday, October 18, 2021

Digimon Adventure 02 Revision 2.0

So um... some stuff happened. 😅

For goodness sake, please, please, please don't ask me what happened.  

While I am well-acquainted with the situation, I feel that it wouldn't be my place or my right to talk about it at the risk of disrespecting either one or both of the parties to some degree or another.  If you try to pressure me or anyone else to talk about it either, I will see it as a sign of disrespect and act accordingly: you've been warned.

So what does that have to do with the Digimon Adventure 02 fiction that I am writing?

Simple: a lot.

So am I saying that, after five chapters in, I'm already starting over?

Yes, yes I am. 😂

Obviously, it isn't the end of the world... but what's actually different? 

Miya Watanabe will no longer be in the series and, by extension, includes her alter-ego, Ayumi and her Digimon partner, Lunamon.  Due to Miya's new absence in the story, CC and Nanako will be playing bigger roles, including Nanako taking up the role as Kazuko Matsui's Jogress partner.  This will play into the actual evolution result: Shimindramon.

Despite this change, I have a pretty good feeling that I will be able to revise the fiction despite recent developments, and hope that (Lord willing) that this will be the "final result", so to speak.

After all... third time's the charm, right?

May God's love, grace, and mercy be with you all,


Dominion of the Moon is Closing

For those who aren't familiar with Dominion of the Moon, it was the name of the self-made fan-club that I had made on May 31, 2013, making that about eight years ago from today.

I bring it up to announce that I will be closing it down.

Why? Many reasons, but it mainly boils down to realizing my own selfish motives for making it and how redundant the club is now.

Yes, I say selfish: I confess that when I first made that club, there was some degree of insecurity that went into making it, as anyone who was anybody as a DeviantArtist had a fan-club: Etsuko Ajibana, Gis Hidaka, KeikoNoritsu, etc. etc.  I have reason to believe now that (at the very least, part of me) wanted to be a part of that and arguably feel a bit more important than I really was.

In addition to remembering something that someone had said, I started to remember why I got into all of this to begin with.  I didn't write to get attention: I wrote because I wanted to.  In many respects, I still write because I want to, but I feel like I do my best when I come from a place of desire while at the same time giving it my best.

All I ask is that you please understand and respect my decision on this.  Just like my fan-fiction and my occasionally crippling insecurities, I'm not perfect, and I'd like to at least do a little better each time.  I'm not saying that having the club was a full-on mistake, but I am saying that I did learn something from the experience.

May God's love, grace, and mercy be with us all,


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Strange Digimon Dream

Before that, I had a separate dream about getting pictures from someone, and one of the pictures was of Koushiro Izumi, to which I was really happy about.

Okay, so we were in a dark place, exactly where I'm not sure.
I'm pretty sure that I was my OC, Kazuko Matsui.

There was this threat, which we weren't too sure about at first because we couldn't see it.
I was with someone else, but I couldn't get a beat on who cause I couldn't see them either.
I imagine this person had no knowledge as far as tech goes because when word got to me that Hikari and Agumon were trapped in the Digital World, I muttered, "I wish senpai was here."

It was then I had an idea: if I could send a file that Hikari and Agumon recognized, then maybe I could lead them right out of the Digital World... or cyberspace... or wherever the heck they were.  It was more of a shot in the dark because I felt like a newbie as far as codes go and I didn't have Izumi here for some reason or the other.  In any case, I gave it a shot, and from the way the code reacted, I'm assuming it worked.

That didn't change how dark the place was though.  Only because of the light he had on his phone or something, I knew that Taichi was there.

What's even weirder was that I saw this strange phantom that reminded me of a spider with an unusual blue diamond design.  As it phased through me, I remember shivering, and not in a good way.

Shortly after, the dream came to an abrupt end.


Y'know, now that I'm thinking about, this dream sounds really fan-girlish, for some reason.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Artwork That Inspired "Poison"

So, funny story...

I was looking around at my old fan-fiction, and was looking over Poison from 2016...

I happened to remember a detail I had forgotten about until now: 

Poison was actually inspired by some really popular artwork by KungFuFreak07.

It took sometime to find it too, but I did, and here it is

Don't tell me how good the artwork is: tell KungFuFreak07 how good their artwork is.

Thank you for not taking it down!
