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Sunday, March 31, 2019

Pat Robertson: Dungeons & Dragons Demonic, Destroys People's Lives

My Comment
So not one of you have actually had your life messed up because of these games?
If not, then it must have been the favor of God on your life and the grace he pre-ordained...
Truth be told, I can't take Dungeons & Dragons lightly anymore. Five years ago, I got involved with a satanic man who played these games (the games I myself played with him was Pathfinder and Vampire: The Masquerade).
Even though I repent of what I did, the demonic aspect hasn't been totally resolved. If anyone out there sees this comment and believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, please pray for me and that every demonic force be torn down in the name of Jesus. If you know the name of the demon(s) behind the games, I would appreciate that too.
If you aren't a believer, please consider getting saved, because no one can save themselves: that's why Jesus had to come in the first place.
If you play Dungeons & Dragons or any tabletop game of the like, I'm warning you now to stop while you are ahead. Not only is it very demonic, but the other reason why it's so destructive is all of the time you have to invest into it just for what people call a "meaningful experience".
Take it from someone who tried it - it isn't worth it!!!
