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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Strange Digimon Dream

Before that, I had a separate dream about getting pictures from someone, and one of the pictures was of Koushiro Izumi, to which I was really happy about.

Okay, so we were in a dark place, exactly where I'm not sure.
I'm pretty sure that I was my OC, Kazuko Matsui.

There was this threat, which we weren't too sure about at first because we couldn't see it.
I was with someone else, but I couldn't get a beat on who cause I couldn't see them either.
I imagine this person had no knowledge as far as tech goes because when word got to me that Hikari and Agumon were trapped in the Digital World, I muttered, "I wish senpai was here."

It was then I had an idea: if I could send a file that Hikari and Agumon recognized, then maybe I could lead them right out of the Digital World... or cyberspace... or wherever the heck they were.  It was more of a shot in the dark because I felt like a newbie as far as codes go and I didn't have Izumi here for some reason or the other.  In any case, I gave it a shot, and from the way the code reacted, I'm assuming it worked.

That didn't change how dark the place was though.  Only because of the light he had on his phone or something, I knew that Taichi was there.

What's even weirder was that I saw this strange phantom that reminded me of a spider with an unusual blue diamond design.  As it phased through me, I remember shivering, and not in a good way.

Shortly after, the dream came to an abrupt end.


Y'know, now that I'm thinking about, this dream sounds really fan-girlish, for some reason.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Artwork That Inspired "Poison"

So, funny story...

I was looking around at my old fan-fiction, and was looking over Poison from 2016...

I happened to remember a detail I had forgotten about until now: 

Poison was actually inspired by some really popular artwork by KungFuFreak07.

It took sometime to find it too, but I did, and here it is

Don't tell me how good the artwork is: tell KungFuFreak07 how good their artwork is.

Thank you for not taking it down!
