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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

I'm Done With Lily Orchard

I think I should've seen this coming.
By the way, in case any of you don't know who Lily Orchard is, Lily is a trans-woman on YouTube, known for mainly talking about cartoons to some capacity, but in my case, the Glass of Water series.
I originally got into the series shortly after having to part ways with someone who had been abusing me (she's dead now, so God have mercy on her soul), and it was through the series Lily had made where I felt like I got permission to be angry about shit, especially that.

Looking back, that's probably the reason why I didn't see the signs ahead of time.
You'd think after being indirectly disrespected (for example, Lily's shitting on Americans, white people, and Asians, specifically the Japanese, to some degree), that would be enough of a sign to fuck off from someone's work. However, I still found Lily's content engaging, so I just kept going. 
After all, given everything else Lily was saying, I wanted to engage with Lily because the Glass of Water series gave off the impression Lily was an intelligent individual who would welcome different opinions. Pfft, what a joke that was - the few times I did try to engage was ignored to some capacity or just got snapped back at. 
Maybe I should've fucked off after that livestream where I actually did get a response from Lily. While I don't remember what I said, I sure as fuck remember how I felt: hurt and disrespected, like I wasn't dealing with an intellectual, but rather one of many Karens I had to deal with at work, and I was too chicken-shit to say anything about it then because "what if Lily gets so upset with me that things escalate?" That should've been enough of a sign that Lily was engaging in the same behavior my abuser was (God have mercy on her soul), and left then.

Maybe I should've fucked off when I made a casual remark on Lily's Twitter... well, when Lily still actually had one. The point I made was simple: it doesn't matter who was doing the raunchy shit, whether they were straight as a ruler or someone who identified as LGBTQIA+ in some way - this was something you should never present to children! Now, I went to bed after the fact, so I didn't see the damage, or the fact Lily blocked me, until long after it being too late to do anything about it. Thanks for not explaining in what way that was annoying, I guess.

Maybe I should've fucked off when I realized that despite being a Patreon to Lily for sometime, I didn't fit in. Lolo was really fucking great to be around, but that was pretty much it: if I wasn't interacting with Lolo or the other people engaging with Lolo, I wasn't sure of what to say because I got no engagement outside of that. This really didn't help the fact that I was beginning to question my political leanings, because I was also hoping that (in a more left-leaning space) I'd get those discussions to help me get a better understanding of what it really means to be left-leaning. What a joke that was for me to think that was possible in Lily's Discord server - there's so much shit that you can't talk about in there, mainly the topics of videos that made Lily fucking popular in the first place!

So if not these things, why did I finally decide to fuck off?
It was one of Lily's Glass of Water videos, the one about Star vs the Forces of Evil.
How was that a problem? Simple - Lily put two cartoon porn/hentai games in that video with no warning ahead of time that such problematic material was going to show up... nevermind the fact that (after some research) both games in question involve rape and underage characters you interact with...personally. See, if you're going to talk about a children's cartoons, it's probably not a good idea to present rape material in front of them (even if you're using it as bad examples of anime) because... well, let's just say there's more than one way to use Google to look up shit, even nasty shit like this.

If I didn't leave then, then I'm pretty sure I would've left when Lily claimed to have cancer, skin cancer if I'm not mistaken. I said it on Zena & Poppy's livestream when they brought Courtney on, and I'll say it again: I don't buy the idea that Lily had cancer. If what Lily says is true, and that it was minimal in fees and so easily dodged outside of chemotherapy by pills, I'd sooner believe that it was a pre-cancer that was caught early rather than a later stage variant. If there's anyone out there who knows more about this, and I could be wrong, please do let me know. I'm not an expert on this, I'm just going off my own personal experience with pre-cancer and what I've seen Lily say about the matter.

In any case, compound the livestream that I saw where Zena & Poppy brought on Courtney to talk about stuff (warning, the material they go through is some seriously dark shit), and I can accept that Lily was abused. Hell, I'd even say that the livestream actually did Lily a service, because if what Courtney says is true, then Lily looks more human in my eyes rather than the needlessly cruel, raging asshole that I saw before.

Nevertheless, I'm done with Lily Orchard.
I'm in a Discord where it's safe for me to talk about Lily when I need to, because I do get frustrated with some of Lily's shit from time to time, but as a general rule, I'd rather not see Lily again on this account. I'll more than likely catch videos Zena & Poppy do about Lily, but I think that's about it.

By the time you see this, I'm going to be getting rid of the playlists and posts that I have affiliated with Lily with exception to a few. While Lily has lost my respect, that doesn't mean I have any desire to see Lily get hurt. I'd much rather see Lily get some kind of help, like a therapist, or rehabilitation for adults, I don't know what's out there, especially in Canada.

All the same... you probably won't care about any of this, Lily, because at the end of the day, I'm just a neurodivergent white woman (technically 1/4rth Korean), and it wouldn't surprise me too much if you had three reasons already to throw me under the buss or belittle what you did to me because of the evidence compiled against you that you've done this to too many other people.

Anyway, I'm dodging this clusterfuck of a mess, and I'll see you later.

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