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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Feeling Better... And Also Not Feeling Better

Okay, so like I said in the SNS this week, I haven't been feeling too hot. πŸ€’
I've been under the weather, and I think there's more than one reason contributing to that.
However, I think the most obvious reason has to do with the fact that I ate something that had been in the fridge for about a week... 🀒
and confess to the fact that there was no lid. πŸ˜‚

The next day after throwing up my food, I ended up with a fever, but thankfully the said fever wasn't too bad... or at least I think 100.2° F doesn't count as too terrible a fever, does it? 🌑️

So what part am I not feeling better?

Well, I think it has to do with the fact it is Father's Day, and it brings emphasis to... well... a lot of things, but for the sake of this post, I'll just keep it about dads.

Conveniently listening to a song about regrets, I feel like that's what's become of my life.

I'm already behind on life as it is (no graduation, no car, etc.) but at the same time, it's like as if there is a part of me that is stuck in the past... a part of me that really wants my father's affection, even though common sense and real life tell me otherwise.

No, no, my dad's not dead or anything... but if he's never going to reach out to me, why should I care?  I'll go even further: why do I allow myself to be hurt over his neglect?

I've forgiven him for such emotional neglect, but why keep expecting something from someone who's obviously not going to change?  Is it because I come from his genes, and terrified of the idea that the lack of change that is in him has been passed to me?  Could it be that I have his stubbornness, and choose to believe, even if a little bit, that he will change before his inevitable death?  Could it be that I've been predisposed with an insane level of mercy towards people who don't deserve it, even if it means being stepped all over myself?

Because I know so little about myself and life, I leave these remarks as questions instead of just matter of fact.  Who knows, like everything else, my mind could be racing in one direction when the reality of it all is something completely different.

Despite all the confusion, I am certain of a few things:
  1. My dad wasn't there for me when I needed him, and that's okay.  He didn't need to be perfect, and I refuse to give in to the temptation of harboring any bitterness towards him.
  2. Because of his actions, or the lack thereof, I had allowed myself to be susceptible to things that should have been avoided, such as making really bad decisions.  I say it in this manner because just because my dad wasn't there for me, that doesn't change how old I am now and how I need to be acting as an adult.
  3. Unless I do something, I'm just going to be living this vicious cycle over and over again, which, if you think about it, means I deserve all the crap that I get.
Anyway... I suppose in the grand scheme of things, I'm just venting... see you later guys.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Pre-Movie Synopsis: Aladdin (2019)

I've decided to go see Aladdin today because I heard that the movie was cute.
Before I do that, however, I thought I get all my thoughts down about what I think might happen... and other nit-picky junk like that.  Just so you know that if I do spoil anything for myself and/or for you, it was not intentional.  Thus, if you were feeling how I was a long time ago about Avenger's Endgame and didn't want to hear any spoilers, now would be a good time to run.

Unless you were also like me and realize that it didn't matter? πŸ˜‚
Might as well move on, right?

Okay, so my biggest concern right from the get-go is that Aladdin is going to follow the steps of what happened in Beauty & the Beast because, and let's not kid ourselves, Beauty & the Beast didn't change much of the plot-line but it still made a lot of money.

From what I've seen from various Google searches, Aladdin is following right behind it's predecessor, doing very well in the box offices, in which I will be giving my contribution this evening via cinemas.

In speaking of following the same plot, I'm starting to have my doubts about it following word for word, seeing Aladdin and Jafar interact at all during the trailers has sparked my interest, so that concern might have just been a figurement of my imagination.  After all, there's a new girl in the pictures, and I can't help but wonder if she's important to the plot somehow, like if she's working with Jafar behind Jasmine's back like LeFou worked for Gaston.

Heck, given the potential plot changes (a breath of fresh air, I might add), I've wondered from time to time if Iago was going to die.  Again, all of this is just speculation.

But what I'm also hoping to be a figurement of my imagination is who they chose to be Aladdin and Jasmine.  Yes, I confess to some level of disappointment, but this is the first time I've seen or heard about these actors, so I don't want to jump into the water without first checking its temp.

However, despite all this concern, there are two things I do have a good feeling about in addition to potential changes to the plot-line.

The first is Will Smith - at first, I was skeptical of him playing the Genie (heck, I thought Gabriel Iglesias or Jack Black would have been better candidates), but after legitimately laughing during the trailer, I felt like I was too hard on someone who was given a role that was famous on the account of another, being Robin Williams.
Before the trailers were even out, I decided that as long as Will Smith tried being himself and not try to imitate Robin Williams, he would be fine, and that's the feeling I got when I saw the trailers.  I will keep to that opinion as I go and see this movie.

The second thing is the mild-level nostalgia that I feel when I heard Jasmine and Aladdin sing "A Whole New World".  Their voices are different, I won't hide that fact, but I confess that not only do I get chills every time I hear them sing, but there is enough familiarity there for me when I grew up with the cartoon version that made it so popular.

However, despite all the good and bad feelings in regards to all the live action movies that are being made, I can't help but wonder if they are just overly glamorized because of the fact it's Disney.  Like, if you took that label off, how would have that affected sales?
Then again, from what I understand, Dumbo (2019) didn't do very well in that department, but then again, neither did Dumbo (1941) and comparing the cartoon counterparts to each other (Dumbo to Aladdin), Aladdin did much better.

I suppose that if we looked at the numbers, then, and assumed the same sales based on which movie was made live action, then that would say a lot about which ones would actually get a live-action counterpart, which (imagination-wise) is disappointing because I was hoping that there might be some classics at least getting a movie comeback, such as Gargoyles or something that was less popular during its time...

Oh well... one can only dream...

And I'm going to go see a movie, which (looking back) I think I have a good feeling about as a whole, since I had mostly positive things to say about it.
Only time will tell if those feelings were right.

I'll let you know what I think about it later.

Love ya


Okay, so kind of a weird dream last night.
And I mean that in the sense of not expecting it.
You see, it was about Jem and the Holograms this time.
I was at some kind of party, which it's decor was the strangest dejavu to a church I visited one time.
The Misfits were there and it was more about them before everything changed to Jem.

I tried to write this down before I forgot because it reminded me of a fanfiction I wanted to do a long time ago but had forgotten some of the details.   Maybe if I can remember some more about it, I would be able to write it.... maybe.
